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Advancing Aging Research: The Pivotal Role of Human Aging Genomic Resources


Dr. Diogo Barardo, Director of R&D at NOVOS, and Dr. Joao Pedro de Magalhães, NOVOS Scientific Advisory Board member, recently published a significant paper, shedding new light on the complexities of aging. Their collaborative effort in updating the Human Aging Genomic Resources (HAGR) presents an accessible overview of vital online databases, key to advancing our understanding of aging.

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The Paper in Focus

The publication, “Human Ageing Genomic Resources: updates on key databases in ageing research,” not only focuses on the enhancements of six principal databases in aging research but also makes these resources, rich in comprehensive genomic information, freely available to the public. This open access is crucial for researchers and others interested in age-related changes and longevity.

Core Longevity Databases

Here are the six databases that are core to ongoing and future longevity research:

  1. GenAge: Focuses on genes related to human aging, listing 307 such genes and 2,205 genes linked to longevity in model organisms.
  2. AnAge: Compiles aging, longevity, and life history data across 4,645 animal species.
  3. DrugAge: Includes details of 1,097 longevity drugs and compounds tested in various model organisms.
  4. GenDR: Provides information on 214 genes associated with dietary restriction and extended lifespan.
  5. CellAge: Catalogues 866 genes linked to cellular senescence.
  6. LongevityMap: Serves as a repository for 3,144 genetic variants across 884 genes related to human longevity.

Tools and Significance

Drs. Barardo and Magalhães have compiled data and provided tools and gene expression signatures based on comprehensive meta-analyses, demonstrating HAGR’s role as an evolving, integrated resource adapting to new developments in aging research.


Drs. Barardo and de Magalhães’ detailed update on HAGR marks a significant stride in aging research. Their work democratizes aging research by making complex information accessible and understandable, encouraging a broader spectrum of societal engagement, from scientists to students and the general public. Their joint effort exemplifies the synergy between in-depth data collection and public accessibility, emphasizing the need for shared knowledge in comprehending a process as universal as aging.

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