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Current Solutions and Approaches to Reproductive Aging and Longevity

NOVOS Fertility Mini-Series Article 5

The more you know about reproductive aging, the better prepared you can be to address the challenges of declining fertility. In this final article of our series of fertility mini articles, we discuss two primary strategies commonly used to address declining fertility: hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and assisted reproductive technologies (ART). We also help dispel common misconceptions about ovarian aging.

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

HRT involves supplementing the body with hormones that diminish during menopause. HRT treatment may help alleviate symptoms associated with low estrogen levels and provide protective benefits against osteoporosis and cardiovascular diseases. However, HRT carries risks such as increased chances of stroke, venous thromboembolism, and breast cancer, requiring careful assessment before use.

Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART)

ART, including in vitro fertilization (IVF), addresses fertility issues by assisting with egg fertilization outside the body. Techniques like egg or embryo freezing and optimizing embryo culture media enhance the chances of successful pregnancies. Despite advancements, ART cannot fully counteract the decline in egg quality due to aging, and success rates vary with age and individual health factors.

Common Misconceptions About Reproductive Aging

“Menopause symptoms only hit at about 50 years old.”

Perimenopause can start as soon as the early to mid-40s, and symptoms can vary in duration and intensity. Premature menopause, occurring before age 40, affects a significant percentage of women and requires medical attention.

“Reproductive aging is only about infertility.”

Reproductive aging affects both fertility and overall health. The decline in estrogen levels impacts various bodily functions, leading to an increased risk of chronic diseases post-menopause.

“Reproductive aging can’t be slowed.”

Advances in aging research suggest that slowing down reproductive aging is possible. Promising drug candidates and lifestyle interventions show positive outcomes in preserving ovarian function, and ongoing research continues to explore potential treatments.

Key Takeaways on Reproductive Treatments and Misconceptions

While current treatments like HRT and ART address symptoms and fertility challenges, research into slowing or reversing reproductive aging is ongoing. VIBRANT (Validating Benefits of Rapamycin for Reproductive Aging Treatment), the first human study of a drug for aging ovaries, is underway at Columbia University, highlighting the potential for new treatments. 

As scientists continue making new discoveries, women can also take control of their reproductive health by being aware of the signs and symptoms of declining fertility and taking steps to slow down ovarian aging. For more information about reproductive treatments, read our full article, Fertility in Focus: Reproductive Treatments and Common Misconceptions.

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