Rhodiola rosea and Longevity


  • Rhodiola rosea is a small plant that grows in colder northern regions of Europe and Asia. 
  • Rhodiola rosea has been used for centuries as an adaptogen, helping people to adapt to both physical and mental stress.
  • Rhodiola rosea extends lifespan in various organisms. 
  • Rhodiola rosea increases the production of proteins that protect cells against damage.
  • Rhodiola improves mitochondrial health.
  • Rhodiola rosea activates SIRT and AMPK, important regulators of a healthy metabolism.
  • Rhodiola can inhibit mTOR, an important aging switch.
  • A substance in Rhodiola rosea, salidroside, can improve nerve regeneration.
  • Rhodiola rosea can protect the brain against damage and neurotoxins.
  • Rhodiola rosea can improve memory, concentration and learning in humans. 
  • Rhodiola rosea can improve energy and reduce fatigue in humans. 

Rhodiola Rosea Imacts Aging Via

The role of Rhodiola rosea in aging and longevity

Rhodiola rosea is a small plant that grows in cold regions of Europe and Asia.

It has been known for centuries as an adaptogen, which is a substance that improves stress resilience and provides extra mental and physical energy. 

Rhodiola rosea and lifespan extension

Rhodiola rosea can extend lifespan in fruit flies (R,R,R,R), yeast (R) and C elegans worms (R).

Earlier, it was thought that the lifespan extending effects of Rhodiola rosea were caused by upregulating antioxidant defense mechanisms.

However, it seems that Rhodiola rosea can already provide protection against oxidative stress at doses that are considerably lower than the ones to induce the cells to activate antioxidant defenses (R). 

It was also previously thought that Rhodiola could extend lifespan via mimicking dietary restriction. After all, dietary restriction (eating less) can extend lifespan in many species. However, some studies seem to refute this hypothesis (R), at least by research done in fruit flies. 

Nonetheless, the researchers found that combining Rhodiola rosea with dietary restriction led to a maximum lifespan exceeding 120 days, which is considerably high, given that the average lifespan of fruit flies is about 40 days. 

How Rhodiola rosea can slow down aging

Rhodiola rosea can impact aging in various ways. For example, Rhodiola rosea can upregulate defense and repair proteins in the cell, like chaperone proteins (R). Chaperones protect proteins in cells against damage by forming a “shield” around the proteins. 

Rhodiola rosea also improves mitochondrial health. Additionally, supplementing with Rhodiola can upregulate SIRT1 and AMPK, important proteins involved in longevity (R).

Other studies found that Rhodiola inhibits mTOR, an important aging switch, and can induce autophagy in cells.

Autophagy is the process in which cells get rid of proteins that otherwise would accumulate and eventually cause harm to cells and organs.

The older we get, the less well autophagy works, and the more proteins accumulate in our cells, which contributes to the aging process. 

Regenerative substances in Rhodiola: salidroside and rosavin

Two specific substances in Rhodiola rosea received a lot of attention: salidroside and rosavin. 

Salidroside seems to have neuroprotective effects and can even improve nerve regeneration (R,R).

A specific variety of Rhodiola could improve the generation of new neurons in rats that were exposed to a strong neurotoxin (R,R).  

This could help to explain why Rhodiola rosea can protect against brain damage.

Rhodiola rosea can improve cognitive functioning and energy levels

Some studies found that Rhodiola rosea can improve memory and learning in humans.

Rhodiola can also improve exercise, stamina and endurance in people (R). Other studies demonstrated that Rhodiola can improve fatigue (R). 

NOVOS does not only contain Rhodiola for its promising lifespan and neuroprotective effects, but also to provide immediate effects, such as reduced fatigue and improved concentration and memory. 

NOVOS contains 300 mg of Rhodiola Rosea, with a minimum of 3% rosavins and 2% salidrosides per sachet.

NOVOS CORE & Rhodiola rosea

Rhodiola rosea is one of the 12 ingredients in NOVOS Core.

1 sachet of NOVOS Core contains 300 mg of Rhodiola Rosea, with a minimum of 3% rosavins and 2% salidrosides per sachet.

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