
Making the latest scientific advances in longevity accessible and achievable for all

NOVOS is the scientific leader in longevity with a mission to add a billion years of life to humanity by making the latest scientific advances in longevity accessible and achievable by all. Based on pioneering research, our longevity solutions are designed to help you slow down aging during your Longevity Journey. We’re committed to providing scientific evidence that empowers you to take control of your healthspan and lifespan.

We created NOVOS products in collaboration with leading scientists and medical doctors, and many of these experts are now part of our advisory board. We developed our synergistic blend of 12 ingredients for Core and the best quality NMN for Boost based on proven scientific evidence. The ingredients we chose for NOVOS formulations are based on the following criteria:


They have the ability to impact at least one, and ideally multiple, mechanisms of aging simultaneously

These aging mechanisms are epigenetic alterations, loss of proteostasis (protein accumulation inside and outside our cells), cellular senescence, mitochondrial dysfunction, genomic instability, deregulated nutrient sensing, altered intercellular communication (e.g., inflammation/inflammaging), and so on.

Ideally, each ingredient influences multiple aging mechanisms. For example, glycine has epigenetic effects but can also act as a chaperone, protecting proteins and helping the body deal with protein accumulation (which is one of the reasons why we age). Glucosamine can improve mitochondrial health by inducing mitochondrial biogenesis, but can also support autophagy. In this way, combining such ingredients enables synergistic effects on the aging process.


They have been able to extend lifespan in various animal models, hinting at conserved evolutionary pathways

Ideally, the ingredients extend lifespan not in just one animal model, but in different species. If the compound extends lifespan in various different species, it’s more likely it will also work in humans. Examples are alpha-ketoglutarate (AKG), which extends lifespan in C elegans, fruit flies, and mice. Glycine can extend lifespan in C elegans and fruit flies, but also in mice and rats.


They are associated with reduced risk of different aging-related processes and outcomes in humans and animals, indicating that they act on the underlying aging process

A substance that can improve various aging-related symptoms, for example by slowing down brain aging, improving heart health, and boosting metabolism, is likely to act on the underlying mechanism that unites all these aging-related afflictions. For example, pterostilbene can contribute to healthy brain aging and support a healthy sugar metabolism, while also improving cardiovascular function and contributing to a healthy inflammatory response.


They are associated with reduced risk of mortality in humans

Ideally, studies also show an association between reduced mortality in humans that take the supplement on a regular basis. For example, studies in the US and Europe have shown that glucosamine was only one of the few supplements associated with reduced mortality. People who took glucosamine also had significantly healthier hearts and blood vessels.


They are nature-based, found in food or human biology, but levels decline with age

Ideally, they are nature-based and have been present alongside human evolution, and not novel man-made, lab-made molecules. All of the ingredients in NOVOS’ formulations are found in nature.

Ideally, the substances are found in our bodies, and their levels decline with age. This hints at their safety and to the fact that their declining levels could play a role in accelerating (or contributing) to aging. Examples of molecules present at higher levels in young tissues but declining with aging are alpha-ketoglutarate and glycine.


They have a very low side effect profile

The substances are known to cause very little side effects (if any), and no serious side effects, even at much greater dosages.


They have been used for decades or even centuries to treat specific symptoms or afflictions in humans without serious side effects

An example is glucosamine, that has been taken for decades to treat joint problems. Alpha-ketoglutarate (AKG) is another example. This substance has been taken for many decades by athletes to improve energy levels without any significant side effects. Alpha-ketoglutarate has also been shown to slow aging and extend lifespan.


They are considered safe by the FDA, EFSA, and other organizations

Being recognized as safe by large institutional bodies like the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and EFSA (European Food Safety Agency) is another testimony to their safety.

Based on the most current scientific research available

We believe in empowering you with credible scientific knowledge. We don’t make decisions based on popular trends or personal anecdotes, but instead rely on solid, replicated science, and conduct our own experiments for further validation. Longevity is a journey, not a trend.

Evidence behind NOVOS
Evidence behind NOVOS

Our Scientific Advisory Board is comprised of the world’s leading longevity scientists

We closely collaborate with the world’s leading longevity scientists. Our SAB includes biochemists, geneticists, and professors from Harvard, MIT, University of Liverpool, University of Washington, The Salk Institute, and other top universities and institutes around the world.

Dr. George Church, PhD

Harvard Medical School & MIT Professor

Dr. Pamela Maher, PhD

University of British Columbia, Salk Institute for Biological Studies

Dr. J Pedro de Magalhaes, PhD

Harvard Medical School, University of Liverpool

Dr. Oliver Medvedik, PhD

Harvard Medical School, The Cooper Union

We realize that aging is a complex phenomenon needing ingredients to impact multiple aging pathways synergistically.

NOVOS is the first company to design formulations to simultaneously impact all 12 Hallmarks of aging – agreed by scientists to likely be the most effective way to make a notable impact on the aging process, as opposed to accounting for only one or two hallmarks at a time. Our formulations focus on the long-term, while also benefiting the short-term.


Our foundational formulation, NOVOS Core, works at a cellular level to target the 12 root causes of aging. Enhance longevity, appearance, cognition, and energy with one daily drink mix of 12 highly effective longevity ingredients.


NOVOS Boost improves your metabolism, energy production, and DNA repair by raising NAD+ levels with NMN.

NOVOS Age Unboxing


Three tests in one. Track your biological aging and discover how lifestyle changes impact it. Includes comprehensive guidance on how to improve your scores with lifestyle upgrades.

We've got you covered

Go beyond the longevity solutions and get an insider view of the latest breakthrough science. NOVOS is a Public Benefit Corporation that provides science-based tips, actionable guidance, and expert-backed tools to the public for free.

Join our NOVOS community today to be Younger For Longer!